The sign industry uses LED lights in many applications. First LEDs were merely used as markers of the problems or issues with the power supply equipment. As the use of the LEDs has increased, like they are now used as car taillights, for controlling traffic, and as indicator and warning lights, customized LED signages came to be.
By generating more LED light energy, different designs were seen in the signage industry. Furthermore, LED lights offered even more advantages, such as energy savings, product longevity, and easier maintenance. There has been a significant reduction in power consumption among LED signs, thanks to this innovation.
The neon tube was turned into a rival, as it requires the traditional red light to be pumped constantly and channeled in letters behind the plastic. The source of low-voltage light is thought of as free of arcing and burning. The installation process is considered simpler than the other complex process of neon light installation because of its increased voltage requirements. The usual color of the LEDs is white and it consumes merely one watt. It will soon be higher, due to the increased heat level requirements. But for these, specific considerations are needed.
The Modern Uses of LED Lights in Signages
Because LEDs only provide directional light, implementation is challenging because neon and fluorescent lights do not provide the same advantage. An LED technician should lead you through appropriate installation and setup procedures in order to offer the best results to match the requirement.
Since these technicians only deal with electrical signals, be aware that only recognized and defined components will produce electrical signals and signage letters. Both sections are rather clear in the definition of electrical signs and channels. The signs and the metal gear or in this case, the channel letters must however be connected to and attached to the grounding device. Each of them must be grounded, including low voltage, without exception.
Old Neon Lights vs New LED Lights
Neon lighting may still have a technical advantage than LED signs. It shows that the basic installation instructions for LED signs, as well as the channel letters are more complicated than the installation and ultimate inspection of neon lights. The most usual question arising is if it is necessary to ground the LED signage. The usual response is yes. Electric channel letters and signs must be grounded for it to work optimally.
But at the end of the day, the application of various sources of light still depends on the consumer. Once the client decides which signs he or she prefers, the technician would have to make calls from the right suppliers, service providers, and inspectors to install, place, or inspect the electrical signs and the channel letters using LEDs or neon lights.
If you need help, you can always hire the experts in San Antonio LED signs. They’ll help you decide whether the use of the newer LED customized signage is better for you or if you’re better off using the older neon light technology.
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